How often do you find yourself in the following situation?
You see a prospect – someone you can tell is a really good performer. You even think to yourself that you’d love to have people like that in your real estate business. So, you get in contact with the person and establish your interest in them. But you don’t do anything about it after that. All of a sudden, you get a phone call about this person you’ve had your eye on, or even from that person themselves. And unfortunately, you discover that they’ve signed on to the other real estate business down the road. This happens all the time in this industry. That’s because the best prospects are always looking for the next big thing.
Just look at the sporting landscape today. The best players are much happier to move around than they used to be. In fact, it’s really rare to have a player who sticks with the same club for their entire career. The same thing happens in real estate. The best people are more than happy to play the field and will always keep an eye out for better offers. Your job is to build a culture that’s so good, your best people don’t want to leave. In other words, you have to think about retention. Think of your relationships with your people as though they’re marriages. You need to put time and effort into making the marriage work if it’s going to go the distance.
When you stop doing that, your people’s eyes will start wandering… And they may get tempted away by a better offer.