Your staff need this NOW

In this article, Jess explains why business leaders need three times to land their message.

06 February 2025
Your staff need this NOW

In my experience, you have to do it three times. You have to land your message three times before it hits home with your team.

In today’s blog I am going to expand further from my recent blog about leadership & communication.

In my experience, you have to do it three times. You have to land your message three times before it hits home with your team.

I’m going to explain why you need three times to land your message. And how communicating with your team this way will break through the roadblocks that are holding your business back.

If you’re a real estate business owner, or leader you know how important it is to be able to count on your team. You need them to understand exactly what you want to achieve in your business and communicate to them that they 100 % understand your message.


Why Three Times?

Most people don’t really absorb a message that is only sent out once and each person has different ways of absorbing a message, whether it be verbal, written, or visual.  It can end up getting lost in the flow of other information within your business, or just the distractions of everyday life.

If your team hasn’t really understood your message, they’re not going to do what you need them to do, when you need them to do it. As a result, trying to scale your business will be difficult.

Think of it like you’re coaching a sporting team. Everyone needs to know their role and understand your message.

If your team is not up to speed, you’re not going to win the premiership.

You’ll need to send your message three times to make sure your team gets it via the following.

  1. The Email Broadcast
  2. The Team Discussion
  3. The One-on-One Meeting


I’m going to explain each one in detail so that you get them right. That sits inside my ‘Sales Forecasting’ playbook we take our leaders through inside our mentoring program.

Jess Densley
Think of it like you’re coaching a sporting team. Everyone needs to know their role and understand your message.

Message #1 – The Broadcast

This is the email broadcast that goes out to the entire team. Now, the key to this broadcast is doing it at the same time – every week or every month, depending on what you need to communicate. This is like the football team going over their strategy for the next game. You need to cover four different areas in this broadcast. They will make up the framework for the email you’ll send out.

They are as follows:

1. Your Wins

This is where you talk about what went right in the business over the last week. You’ll also reinforce the huge part your processes play in these wins. The wins are evidence that your internal processes work and the market plays no role in your future outcomes.

2. What’s Going on With Your Listings & Sales

You’ll talk about what’s happening with your listings and sales and what you anticipate over the next few weeks. You’re going to use this to tell the team what’s saleable and what isn’t from your current stock and talk about past patterns in performance to predict future outcomes.

3. What’s Going on With Your Database

This is where you switch your focus to your future clients both cold and warm and what’s happening inside both of these segments of your business.

4. A Summary

With the summary, you’ll round everything up and provide some action points for the team. For example, you might make a note of the opportunities coming up for your team in the next few weeks.

Message #2 – The Team Discussion

Now that you’ve got the first message out there, you’ve got to take things into a group format with the second step in the three times to land system. This discussion is going to give you a chance to reinforce the message that you sent in the email. It also gives you a chance to get in front of your team and provide a little speed coaching, when necessary. I also have a framework for speed coaching. You’re going to cover the following four things:

  1. The wins
  2. The progress
  3. The roadblocks
  4. The action plan

First, you’re going to reinforce the wins you talked about in the broadcast. And you’re going to make the point that following the internal processes led to those wins. From there, you’ll talk about the progress the business is making. And again, you’ll refer back to your systems. You might throw in a few figures, such as comparing the month’s sales figures to those from the previous month. After hitting all of the positives, you cover the roadblocks. These are the things that are currently stopping the team from achieving its full potential. For example, you may have a process that needs tightening. Or you might have some unsaleable stock you need to deal with.

Finally, you deliver the action plan. This outlines what you’re going to do to maintain your progress and overcome the roadblocks you talked about. You can also take this time to reinforce the wins and talk about how proud you are that the team’s getting on board with systems inside your business. You’re continually reinforcing and clarifying the message you delivered in the broadcast. However, you’re now doing it in a more personal session that invites feedback from the team. Going back to the football coach earlier, this is where you’d work on game tactics, or how to win against a certain team. You’d go over potential issues that might come up, and what to do when that happens.

This sets you up perfectly for the third step to land your message.


Message #3 – The One-on-One Meeting

Now that the team as a whole knows what it needs to do, you move the message into a one-on-one setting. This gives you the chance to talk to individual members about their specific achievements and challenges.

This is where your abilities as a leader will come to the fore.

Your job is to identify what the person’s doing well and what they’re struggling with. This isn’t a session for criticising the individual. It’s all about helping them get to the next level. You want to help them perform the way you need them to for your business to flourish.

I recommend doing these meetings a day or two after the group meeting.

And again, it’s about reinforcing the messages that you’ve already given them. That’s how you get through to the individuals, especially any who might feel lost in a group setting.


It’s All About Different Levels

This framework ensures you’re delivering your message on three different levels.

This is so important when it comes to making sure your messages stick for each member of the team. It’s easy for somebody to skim over a broadcast email. It’s far less easy for them to miss the message when you have them in a group setting. And with your one-on-one sessions, you’re personally making sure the message gets through.

In the end, what you’re really doing here is improving internal communication in your business. This means the team has a focus and can work towards what you want to achieve.


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Jess works with business leaders to achieve peak performance through implementing effective systems and processes to both nurture teams and scale businesses.

Jess works with business leaders to achieve peak performance, nurturing teams and scale businesses.