The Elite Agency | Upgrade Program
The 8 easy steps you need to take back control of your real estate business in your time

Mike Assad & Abe Solomon
Directors , LJ Hooker Epping, Vic
Mike Assad & Abe Solomon
Directors , LJ Hooker Epping, Vic
“Myself and Abraham started our business just under 3 years ago with no experience in running a real estate office we thought all we had to do was make sales and the rest will follow but that was so far from the truth but with no much franchise support we made the decision to hire Jess and his team for some much-needed help. After meeting with Jess we knew pretty quickly he was the help we needed. His direct approach is what really made the decision for us. Right from day one, we were able to implement processes and procedures into our business that really changed us for the better.
Since working with Jess it has really opened our eyes to what is really involved in running our business. We have already implemented so much and know there is still so much available from Jess. Examples are we know have set KPI’s that help our sales team and meet with them weekly, we have procedures in recruitment, managing listings, auction campaigns, and prospecting. These are all things we thought we knew how to do and how to train our staff to do but Jess has shed a much different light on how to go about implementing it. Our staff have really taken it on board and enjoying it which is very important for us. Our market share is slowly increasing and we just recently won the franchise award for number one auction listing office in Vic/Tas.
Jess has been a valuable asset to our business in such a short time, we look forward to what is ahead and thanks to Jess we now have a clear direction on where we need to be, what we want to achieve and most importantly what needs to be done”
“Myself and Abraham started our business just under 3 years ago with no experience in running a real estate office we thought all we had to do was make sales and the rest will follow but that was so far from the truth but with no much franchise support we made the decision to hire Jess and his team for some much-needed help. After meeting with Jess we knew pretty quickly he was the help we needed. His direct approach is what really made the decision for us. Right from day one, we were able to implement processes and procedures into our business that really changed us for the better.
Since working with Jess it has really opened our eyes to what is really involved in running our business. We have already implemented so much and know there is still so much available from Jess. Examples are we know have set KPI’s that help our sales team and meet with them weekly, we have procedures in recruitment, managing listings, auction campaigns, and prospecting. These are all things we thought we knew how to do and how to train our staff to do but Jess has shed a much different light on how to go about implementing it. Our staff have really taken it on board and enjoying it which is very important for us. Our market share is slowly increasing and we just recently won the franchise award for number one auction listing office in Vic/Tas.
Jess has been a valuable asset to our business in such a short time, we look forward to what is ahead and thanks to Jess we now have a clear direction on where we need to be, what we want to achieve and most importantly what needs to be done”
Managing Director/ Co-Founder,
Ristic Real Estate Pty Ltd
“Our company was at a point where we needed better structure, accountability and really practical and effective systems that we could input immediately into the business. I’m pleased to report that after engaging Jess Densley all these boxes were ticked and more. A significant impact on all major areas from recruitment to the process of sale and beyond to marketing and prospecting has positively changed the way we now operate. When you receive 30 appraisal requests from a simple email that can be put together in minutes, you know something is working! Thanks to Jess and team the future looks bright as we utilize the systems and plans in place to build a world-class sales team. I’m really looking forward to the next 12 months as we reap the benefits of the systems implemented.”
Principal, RE/MAX Solutions – Strathpine
“Our company has been in operation for almost 15 years and we felt as though we needed to change our direction to avoid complacency. We found ourselves in cruise mode and not having clear direction for our future even though having set specific goals to achieve.
We were introduced to Jess but were concerned with how we would benefit being 2 states away, a concern that was nullified after a short conversation. After our initial discussion with Jess, he made us look inside our business and ourselves and become more accountable to each other. He helped us set new goals and has helped us develop pathways for future growth looking at the long-term picture and not what was just in front of us. It’s about longevity and the implementation of a process that takes that into account. Jess has assisted our team and our company in developing the skills required to combat all markets (and reducing days on market) plus he is hands-on which was important for us. More importantly, we have recorded a 20% increase in our sales since implementing certain strategies and I believe that this is only the start of something much larger.
For us, accountability is the key and with the guidance given to us by Jess, I believe we will achieve more than what we intended. Anyone new to our team has to understand the processes we’ve put in place so that we are all heading in the same direction. I keep telling our team it’s about a process and not a short term fix if we can get that right then upwards and on-wards no matter what market we are in. Thanks, Jess and The Team”
Zac Boothroyd
Ray White Lara
“Working with Jess over the last 10 months has given me an intricate understanding of the ideal sales process, including an advanced understanding of stock management techniques and vendor management strategies”.
Jason Savage
Director, All Properties Group,
Logan, Queensland
“After implementing Jess’s system into my business I realised we were able to tighten up areas of leakage that had previously been occurring. We are now implementing these systems into the business to make sure these are addressed and have already seen results in the first two months.
Gail Richards
Key 2 Sale Real Estate
“When we first started with Jess we had plenty of stock and what I felt we were pretty good with our processes as I am very structured and checklist orientated.
Wow, have we ramped things up. Jess has helped us take our business to the next level with the whiteboard structure and also the pre-launch period and slowing down the listing process. I have trialled the pre-launch for the last two months and we have sold 3 properties in the pre-launch period utilising social media, our buyer newsletter and direct SMS marketing. Another one of our properties sold after the first open home with two offers. My team is now seeing the results and I am now implementing the structure across the whole business with our whole sales team.
July is generally a quieter month and we have written 15 contracts (our best ever was 19 in the peak spring selling time) so I am really happy with how things are progressing. We have already written another 5 contracts for August as well.
Personally, I am now carrying around 38 listings compared to when I first started mentoring with Jess where I was holding 52. I love my whiteboard and wouldn’t live without it now!
I believe the processes we are implementing are starting to really grow momentum and I can’t wait to implement more of the processes we have been learning with Jess throughout my team.
Jess really cares about your business and wants to see everyone succeed and is very approachable. I also love the fact we meet other principals and salespeople as part of the mentoring program. You won’t regret investing in this program.”
Theo Kalinderidis
Principal Alliance Real Estate , Paninia NSW
“After hearing Jess on a podcast I immediately noticed that he was talking about the key challenges that I was facing on a daily basis as a principal and as a salesperson. This was very different to the majority of other support providers out there as I felt that here was someone that really understood our challenges. Until I met with Jess I was struggling with pieces of the puzzle and how to put it all together so that we could run our business more efficiently and more profitably.
I spent the majority of my day putting out fires and missing the key things that needed to be done to get our business to improve. It was becoming desperate with our numbers decreasing and with the feeling that we would not be able to adapt to the changing market we are in. I had my initial call with Jess and was relieved that speaking to him was an extension of his podcast and he was very quickly able to understand me, my business and my challenges. I then joined the Discipline Group and had the first 2 months with Jess having one on one web meetings.
My key challenge and that of my business was that we were running around, stretching ourselves thin, putting out fires instead of taking a step back assessing the key areas that needed to change and then focus on implementing change that would make us more efficient, reduce us chasing our tails and start us on the path to recovery and profitability. Jess very accurately assessed where the weak points in me and the business were and then mapped out a game plan for working on kicking the quick and important goals. In two months my anxiety has been replaced by confidence and optimism and has allowed me to cut out the noise and distractions and to keep me honing in on what is important. In short Jess was able to take me through on this journey in a way that no one else could.
Jess has a talent for identifying where the issues are and to quickly put you back on the right track. As agents we are bombarded by offerings by trainers and companies that state they are going to deliver the silver bullet of what we need to be successful and profitable. Jess and the Elite Agency Success System is the only platform that has hit the nail on the head with what a real estate business and principal needs and has a tangible and direct impact that can be seen in a very short timeframe. I am happy to speak to any principal that is considering the Elite Agency Success System. I cannot praise Jess and his team enough.”
Brent Illic
Elevate Your Success, International Auctioneer of the year 2015
“His incredible leadership skills & attention to detail are key factors in building a powerful team. His combination of success and humility makes for one powerful role model for business people to platform and springboard their success off.”
Julie Robb
Full Circle Real Estate, Christchurch,
New Zealand
“What we have learnt after 20 years in Real Estate is that it can be a very lonely journey leading a team through any market conditions. Although not lacking ideas we found ourselves lacking the structure and processes to run a more effective business, once we made a conscious decision the first hurdle was how do we go about this”
Melissa & Carlene Franzen
South Coast Property, Malua Bay, NSW
“The decision to move into formal coaching came from the desire to take our 30 year old local family business, and build it into a more resilient business model. Immediately It has allowed us to identify and build a path to repair management issues, set in place goals and then strategies to meet those goals. The introduction of an independent voice allowed healthy conversation transparency and growth in our team”
Wendy Hughes
New Zealand
“He showed me how to stop procrastinating and motivate myself, and he helped me create the right habits to get to where I want to be. The difference in my life began from day one of coaching”
Rory Somerville
Director, Ray White Bendigo
“Our team has really taken to his down to earth and methodical approach to different scenarios.
Jess has played a vital and invaluable role within my business and has very much become a partner in our success”
Shane Lenehan
Co Founder, Belfast Wealth Management
“I spent time with Jess in 2015/16 as a mentor for me, both personally and professionally. Jess’ no-nonsense approach was refreshing and both demanding and rewarding at the same time. He helped me with goal setting and made me inspect closely what I was doing at the time, to help determine where I wanted to be, and what was holding me back”
Brett Stickland
Hocking Stuart, Frankston, Victoria
“Jess Is a great coach and inspirational leader! I found Jess to be very understanding and provided dynamic material to go with the phone sessions.”
Brent Mason
Ray White Bendigo, Partner
“Previously I had been a critic of coaches, I often wondered whether they were worth the money. How wrong was I! To go from an average writing sales principal, to a premier agent within 6 months after working with Jess – is clearly the best decision & investment our business has ever made.”

Managing Director/ Co-Founder,
Ristic Real Estate Pty Ltd
“Our company was at a point where we needed better structure, accountability and really practical and effective systems that we could input immediately into the business. I’m pleased to report that after engaging Jess Densley all these boxes were ticked and more. A significant impact on all major areas from recruitment to the process of sale and beyond to marketing and prospecting has positively changed the way we now operate. When you receive 30 appraisal requests from a simple email that can be put together in minutes, you know something is working! Thanks to Jess and team the future looks bright as we utilize the systems and plans in place to build a world-class sales team. I’m really looking forward to the next 12 months as we reap the benefits of the systems implemented.”

Principal, RE/MAX Solutions – Strathpine
“Our company has been in operation for almost 15 years and we felt as though we needed to change our direction to avoid complacency. We found ourselves in cruise mode and not having clear direction for our future even though having set specific goals to achieve.
We were introduced to Jess but were concerned with how we would benefit being 2 states away, a concern that was nullified after a short conversation. After our initial discussion with Jess, he made us look inside our business and ourselves and become more accountable to each other. He helped us set new goals and has helped us develop pathways for future growth looking at the long-term picture and not what was just in front of us. It’s about longevity and the implementation of a process that takes that into account. Jess has assisted our team and our company in developing the skills required to combat all markets (and reducing days on market) plus he is hands-on which was important for us. More importantly, we have recorded a 20% increase in our sales since implementing certain strategies and I believe that this is only the start of something much larger.
For us, accountability is the key and with the guidance given to us by Jess, I believe we will achieve more than what we intended. Anyone new to our team has to understand the processes we’ve put in place so that we are all heading in the same direction. I keep telling our team it’s about a process and not a short term fix if we can get that right then upwards and on-wards no matter what market we are in. Thanks, Jess and The Team”

Zac Boothroyd
Ray White Lara
“Working with Jess over the last 10 months has given me an intricate understanding of the ideal sales process, including an advanced understanding of stock management techniques and vendor management strategies”.

Jason Savage
Director, All Properties Group,
Logan, Queensland
“After implementing Jess’s system into my business I realised we were able to tighten up areas of leakage that had previously been occurring. We are now implementing these systems into the business to make sure these are addressed and have already seen results in the first two months.

Gail Richards
Key 2 Sale Real Estate
“When we first started with Jess we had plenty of stock and what I felt we were pretty good with our processes as I am very structured and checklist orientated.
Wow, have we ramped things up. Jess has helped us take our business to the next level with the whiteboard structure and also the pre-launch period and slowing down the listing process. I have trialled the pre-launch for the last two months and we have sold 3 properties in the pre-launch period utilising social media, our buyer newsletter and direct SMS marketing. Another one of our properties sold after the first open home with two offers. My team is now seeing the results and I am now implementing the structure across the whole business with our whole sales team.
July is generally a quieter month and we have written 15 contracts (our best ever was 19 in the peak spring selling time) so I am really happy with how things are progressing. We have already written another 5 contracts for August as well.
Personally, I am now carrying around 38 listings compared to when I first started mentoring with Jess where I was holding 52. I love my whiteboard and wouldn’t live without it now!
I believe the processes we are implementing are starting to really grow momentum and I can’t wait to implement more of the processes we have been learning with Jess throughout my team.
Jess really cares about your business and wants to see everyone succeed and is very approachable. I also love the fact we meet other principals and salespeople as part of the mentoring program. You won’t regret investing in this program.”

Theo Kalinderidis
Principal Alliance Real Estate , Paninia NSW
“After hearing Jess on a podcast I immediately noticed that he was talking about the key challenges that I was facing on a daily basis as a principal and as a salesperson. This was very different to the majority of other support providers out there as I felt that here was someone that really understood our challenges. Until I met with Jess I was struggling with pieces of the puzzle and how to put it all together so that we could run our business more efficiently and more profitably.
I spent the majority of my day putting out fires and missing the key things that needed to be done to get our business to improve. It was becoming desperate with our numbers decreasing and with the feeling that we would not be able to adapt to the changing market we are in. I had my initial call with Jess and was relieved that speaking to him was an extension of his podcast and he was very quickly able to understand me, my business and my challenges. I then joined the Discipline Group and had the first 2 months with Jess having one on one web meetings.
My key challenge and that of my business was that we were running around, stretching ourselves thin, putting out fires instead of taking a step back assessing the key areas that needed to change and then focus on implementing change that would make us more efficient, reduce us chasing our tails and start us on the path to recovery and profitability. Jess very accurately assessed where the weak points in me and the business were and then mapped out a game plan for working on kicking the quick and important goals. In two months my anxiety has been replaced by confidence and optimism and has allowed me to cut out the noise and distractions and to keep me honing in on what is important. In short Jess was able to take me through on this journey in a way that no one else could.
Jess has a talent for identifying where the issues are and to quickly put you back on the right track. As agents we are bombarded by offerings by trainers and companies that state they are going to deliver the silver bullet of what we need to be successful and profitable. Jess and the Elite Agency Success System is the only platform that has hit the nail on the head with what a real estate business and principal needs and has a tangible and direct impact that can be seen in a very short timeframe. I am happy to speak to any principal that is considering the Elite Agency Success System. I cannot praise Jess and his team enough.”

Brent Illic
Elevate Your Success, International Auctioneer of the year 2015
“His incredible leadership skills & attention to detail are key factors in building a powerful team. His combination of success and humility makes for one powerful role model for business people to platform and springboard their success off.”

Shane Paget & Julie Robb
Full Circle Real Estate, Christchurch,
New Zealand
“What we have learnt after 20 years in Real Estate is that it can be a very lonely journey leading a team through any market conditions. Although not lacking ideas we found ourselves lacking the structure and processes to run a more effective business, once we made a conscious decision the first hurdle was how do we go about this”

Melissa & Carlene Franzen
South Coast Property, Malua Bay, NSW
“The decision to move into formal coaching came from the desire to take our 30 year old local family business, and build it into a more resilient business model. Immediately It has allowed us to identify and build a path to repair management issues, set in place goals and then strategies to meet those goals. The introduction of an independent voice allowed healthy conversation transparency and growth in our team”

Wendy Hughes
New Zealand
“He showed me how to stop procrastinating and motivate myself, and he helped me create the right habits to get to where I want to be. The difference in my life began from day one of coaching”

Rory Somerville
Director, Ray White Bendigo
“Our team has really taken to his down to earth and methodical approach to different scenarios.
Jess has played a vital and invaluable role within my business and has very much become a partner in our success”

Shane Lenehan
Co Founder, Belfast Wealth Management
“I spent time with Jess in 2015/16 as a mentor for me, both personally and professionally. Jess’ no-nonsense approach was refreshing and both demanding and rewarding at the same time. He helped me with goal setting and made me inspect closely what I was doing at the time, to help determine where I wanted to be, and what was holding me back”

Brett Stickland
Hocking Stuart, Frankston, Victoria
“Jess Is a great coach and inspirational leader! I found Jess to be very understanding and provided dynamic material to go with the phone sessions.”

Brent Mason
Ray White Bendigo, Partner
“Previously I had been a critic of coaches, I often wondered whether they were worth the money. How wrong was I! To go from an average writing sales principal, to a premier agent within 6 months after working with Jess – is clearly the best decision & investment our business has ever made.”
Here is what other real estate leaders are saying about Jess Densley
Rene Mawed
Ray White Ferntree Gully
“Since working with Jess, I have experienced a major positive shift in my business. Jess has introduced me to great ideas that have transformed my entire working day by keeping me on track and allowing me to hold myself accountable.”
Emma Grant
Location Agents Gladstone
“In a short amount of time the structures Jess has helped me implement into my sales business has already improved my sales numbers, shorter days on market AND made happier clients.”
Michelle Huang
First National Glenn Waverley
“I was thrilled with Jess’s fast tracked implementations and guidance which resulted in a personal best in my career within 2 months of working with Jess. This was beyond my initial expectations in terms of speed with which my business changed so quickly”
Troy Holmes
Principal Belle Property Narellen
“Jess’s experience and knowledge were invaluable in helping not only myself, but my team as a whole. As a coach I found Jess to be supportive, tough when he needed to be and someone who really cared about my personal and professional growth and not just another number”
Debra Lawry
Principal Ray White Romsey
“Having worked with Jess for 18 months now I was initially concerned before I started the program how I would have the time and energy to implement the structures and procedures that Jess recognised that would be critical key improvements to the business. The main challenge has been the time and commitment needed to implement some of these systems and cultures. Working with Jess and The Discipline Group has been my wisest investment within the business to date. Not only professionally but also personally.
I now have a team and business that demands to adhere to structure and accountability, resulting in substantial increase in performance, profits resulting in a team culture I am proud of. I now have the time to securely develop the business with confidence as we continue grow our marketshare. What I was thought was overwhelming initially I now cannot operate without on a daily basis. Our team commitment and direction towards our professional and personal goals has been fantastic to watch and I cannot thank Jess enough for the care and professional delicacy he has displayed towards all involved.
Thanks for your dedication Jess.”
Peter and Maureen Strong
RE/MAX 2Aspire, Waiuku, Auckland NZ
“We have recently joined Jess and immediately found the leaks in our business and addressed them to move forward. By implementing the systems attending on line classes we have seen an enormous growth in our business. We would also recommend the Discipline Group and Jess for their informative video training, group discussions and the regular meetings. If you are thinking, needing or looking to make a difference in your Real Estate career invest and join Jess, it is worth joining and participating. Remember “what you put in, is what you get out”
Andrew McCallum
Real Estate Manager/Director,
Ruralco Property GDL Real Estate
Jess and his team have created a common sense coaching program for Real Estate agents that have the desire to be the best they can be with simple solutions. The discipline group is suitable for principles, leaders, and salespeople as well as being designed to include your administration staff in system development and for growth in your business. I believe that it is well suited to everyone in real estate regardless of their role or the demographic that they are servicing. Our business is based in regional Queensland with our network servicing towns with a population, ranging from 1400 people to 12,000 people.
The benefits I have found working with Jess are creating better systems and framework in our business that are easy to measure on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. When I started the coaching 10 months ago, my aim was to be a better agent in my market place, the last 10 months I have started to adapt to the challenges and look forward to now being able to share and implement with my team mates. January to October have been about setting the standards and values, the next 12 months will be where we start to see the big improvement across our business as we implement across the network.
The outside influence from Jess’s coaching and other members of the group sharing there wins and challenges have been invaluable to improving the way I do business and view our business. I would recommended Jess Densley Discipline Group to anyone looking to improve their systems and structures, accountability that is measurable, KPI’s and wanting to improve their client’s experience as well as improving themselves.
Lorry Colussi
Ray White Taylors Lakes, Vic
“I was introduced to Jess about 5 or 6 years ago by a colleague of my. It all started with a comment I made that I was “contempt with what I am earning as a real estate agent.” When I first met Jess, he had this up beat approach and positive vibe towards everything he was saying and doing. This intrigue me! About 2 weeks later I had my 1st meeting with Jess. He asked me plenty of questions; but what surprised me, were a couple of personal questions. About a week later Jess and I caught up over a cup of coffee and he mentioned that he could double my income. Eyebrows raised, I Laugh and joked that I was too old to change.
There were plenty of challenges for me as I was of the belief you “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. My first challenge was changing my mindset. Second challenge was to change my time management. Thirdly to understand the WHY behind the purpose of what I was doing and the most important challenge was my accountability to myself and my business. Let me say that within my 1st year under Jess, I achieved my first goal and that was to double my income. Every year I have increased my income. But now under Jess’s guidance, I am working less but smarter, and still earning a high income.
To date everything that Jess has set to achieve with me has happened. I can say over the last 18months I have had many personal issues with family and friends, but Jess has been there all the way. His understanding of the situation and guidance has kept me focused on achieving another milestone. I can highly recommend Elite Agency Success System to anyone who wants to better themselves. If you believe that you have the potential to go to greater level, then you would want Jess to guide you. His out of the box approach is challenging and his non- negotiable accountability attitude will drive you to a much higher standard of success. I was proven wrong, “You can teach an old dog new tricks”. Remember Success leaves clues.”
Brian Lawry
Ray White Heathcote, Vic
“I would like to recommend Jess Densley and Discipline Group to any one involved in the Real Estate industry, from a new entrant to an experienced operator the systems and processes that are available to incorporate into your business are invaluable. Jess himself has an insight into the industry second to none. I have had fifteen years experience in operating a Real Estate office and cannot recommend Jess and The Discipline Group team highly enough.”
Cameron Smits
Ray White Swan Hill, Vic
“My business partner and i were both very successful sales agents with another agency and made the leap into business ownership, we quickly found that although we were still successful in sales, we lacked structure and process around the day to day operation of a busy office. Jess has been instrumental in building our systems to give us a more robust and focused plan, guiding us through & helping us avoid the typically rollercoaster ride most agents face daily. “
Talisa Paris
Ray White Taylors Lakes, Vic
“I first met Jess when I started my career at Ray White Taylors Lakes, luckily enough for me, it was my first time in real- estate and little did I know at the time, I had one of the best business coaches there to guide me from my first week. It didn’t take long to realize the true value of having a professional that is not within the business helping and encouraging you along the way. Jess has helped me with daily structure, learning to track my daily numbers, through to yearly goals, and keeping me accountable to them. While also providing the platform of tasks and scripts/dialogues to help me achieve what I have set out to do.
Being a part of the team here for nearly 3 years, the changes I see in our teams values and overall attitude is mind-blowing. I cannot recommend the Elite Agency Success System enough, if you want to do well in this industry, do yourself a favour and set yourself up properly. Get the systems in place with Jess, and he will set you up for success!”
Aaron Megaw
Director , Strzlecki Realty, Trafalgar Victoria
“Running our business before meeting Jess Densley was not enjoyable!! We were working insane hours, stress levels were peaking and we only just had enough funds to pay wages and overheads.
Since joining the Elite Agency Success System I feel confident in knowing Jess and his team have my back. Real Estate can be a lonely industry to work in as a lot of agencies are so competitive and won’t share any of their knowledge making it difficult to grow. Jess is so much smarter than that. He introduced me to other agents experiencing their own difficulties so we could all communicate and share from each other. He then analysed our business and showed us ways to make some “now money” and take some pressure off so we could concentrate and plan on implementing some systems into our business. In 4 short months under Jess’s guidance i have surpassed our closest competitors and have become the leading sales agent in our area!!
I’m so excited about the future as we have only skimmed the surface and have already being seeing great results. Ultimately, it’s up to us as an agency to “do the tasks” however Jess is working with us to build a Rock-Solid agency with minimal leakage that will not only survive but “thrive” in any market conditions. “
Dan Schubert
Director – Property Solutions, JKL Property Group
“After almost 12 months of procrastination, I would have to say that investing in Jess as a coach, coupled with the proven systems and processes that he offers as part of his program, would have to be one of the best investments I have made in my professional career. Not only for me as an individual, but for our business and our team. One thing that Jess makes very clear from the beginning is that he doesn’t offer a get rich quick ‘magic pill’ but instead, a suite of simple to implement systems that, if managed correctly, will provide you with predictability, control and capacity to scale in all areas of your business. My message to anyone thinking to join Jess’s program is to not to be like me and waste 12 months procrastinating, but instead use that time to work with Jess and his team to gain control and scale your business. For our team and business, the value returns have far outweighed the investment. “

Rene Mawed
Ray White Ferntree Gully
“Since working with Jess, I have experienced a major positive shift in my business. Jess has introduced me to great ideas that have transformed my entire working day by keeping me on track and allowing me to hold myself accountable.”

Emma Grant
Location Agents Gladstone
“In a short amount of time the structures Jess has helped me implement into my sales business has already improved my sales numbers, shorter days on market AND made happier clients.”

Michelle Huang
First National Glenn Waverley
“I was thrilled with Jess’s fast tracked implementations and guidance which resulted in a personal best in my career within 2 months of working with Jess. This was beyond my initial expectations in terms of speed with which my business changed so quickly”

Troy Holmes
Principal Belle Property Narellen
“Jess’s experience and knowledge were invaluable in helping not only myself, but my team as a whole. As a coach I found Jess to be supportive, tough when he needed to be and someone who really cared about my personal and professional growth and not just another number”

Debra Lawry
Principal Ray White Romsey
“Having worked with Jess for 18 months now I was initially concerned before I started the program how I would have the time and energy to implement the structures and procedures that Jess recognised that would be critical key improvements to the business. The main challenge has been the time and commitment needed to implement some of these systems and cultures. Working with Jess and The Discipline Group has been my wisest investment within the business to date. Not only professionally but also personally. I now have a team and business that demands to adhere to structure and accountability, resulting in substantial increase in performance, profits resulting in a team culture I am proud of. I now have the time to securely develop the business with confidence as we continue grow our marketshare. What I was thought was overwhelming initially I now cannot operate without on a daily basis. Our team commitment and direction towards our professional and personal goals has been fantastic to watch and I cannot thank Jess enough for the care and professional delicacy he has displayed towards all involved.
Thanks for your dedication Jess.”

Peter and Maureen Strong
RE/MAX 2Aspire, Waiuku, Auckland NZ
“We have recently joined Jess and immediately found the leaks in our business and addressed them to move forward. By implementing the systems attending on line classes we have seen an enormous growth in our business. We would also recommend the Discipline Group and Jess for their informative video training, group discussions and the regular meetings. If you are thinking, needing or looking to make a difference in your Real Estate career invest and join Jess, it is worth joining and participating. Remember “what you put in, is what you get out”

Andrew McCallum
Real Estate Manager/Director,
Ruralco Property GDL Real Estate
Jess and his team have created a common sense coaching program for Real Estate agents that have the desire to be the best they can be with simple solutions. The discipline group is suitable for principles, leaders, and salespeople as well as being designed to include your administration staff in system development and for growth in your business. I believe that it is well suited to everyone in real estate regardless of their role or the demographic that they are servicing. Our business is based in regional Queensland with our network servicing towns with a population, ranging from 1400 people to 12,000 people.
The benefits I have found working with Jess are creating better systems and framework in our business that are easy to measure on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. When I started the coaching 10 months ago, my aim was to be a better agent in my market place, the last 10 months I have started to adapt to the challenges and look forward to now being able to share and implement with my team mates. January to October have been about setting the standards and values, the next 12 months will be where we start to see the big improvement across our business as we implement across the network.
The outside influence from Jess’s coaching and other members of the group sharing there wins and challenges have been invaluable to improving the way I do business and view our business. I would recommended Jess Densley Discipline Group to anyone looking to improve their systems and structures, accountability that is measurable, KPI’s and wanting to improve their client’s experience as well as improving themselves.

Lorry Colussi
Ray White Taylors Lakes, Vic
“I was introduced to Jess about 5 or 6 years ago by a colleague of my. It all started with a comment I made that I was “contempt with what I am earning as a real estate agent.” When I first met Jess, he had this up beat approach and positive vibe towards everything he was saying and doing. This intrigue me! About 2 weeks later I had my 1st meeting with Jess. He asked me plenty of questions; but what surprised me, were a couple of personal questions. About a week later Jess and I caught up over a cup of coffee and he mentioned that he could double my income. Eyebrows raised, I Laugh and joked that I was too old to change.
There were plenty of challenges for me as I was of the belief you “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. My first challenge was changing my mindset. Second challenge was to change my time management. Thirdly to understand the WHY behind the purpose of what I was doing and the most important challenge was my accountability to myself and my business. Let me say that within my 1st year under Jess, I achieved my first goal and that was to double my income. Every year I have increased my income. But now under Jess’s guidance, I am working less but smarter, and still earning a high income.
To date everything that Jess has set to achieve with me has happened. I can say over the last 18months I have had many personal issues with family and friends, but Jess has been there all the way. His understanding of the situation and guidance has kept me focused on achieving another milestone. I can highly recommend Elite Agency Success System to anyone who wants to better themselves. If you believe that you have the potential to go to greater level, then you would want Jess to guide you. His out of the box approach is challenging and his non- negotiable accountability attitude will drive you to a much higher standard of success. I was proven wrong, “You can teach an old dog new tricks”. Remember Success leaves clues.”

Brian Lawry
Ray White Heathcote, Vic
“I would like to recommend Jess Densley and Discipline Group to any one involved in the Real Estate industry, from a new entrant to an experienced operator the systems and processes that are available to incorporate into your business are invaluable. Jess himself has an insight into the industry second to none. I have had fifteen years experience in operating a Real Estate office and cannot recommend Jess and The Discipline Group team highly enough.”

Cameron Smits
Ray White Swan Hill, Vic
“My business partner and i were both very successful sales agents with another agency and made the leap into business ownership, we quickly found that although we were still successful in sales, we lacked structure and process around the day to day operation of a busy office. Jess has been instrumental in building our systems to give us a more robust and focused plan, guiding us through & helping us avoid the typically rollercoaster ride most agents face daily. “

Talisa Paris
Ray White Taylors Lakes, Vic
“I first met Jess when I started my career at Ray White Taylors Lakes, luckily enough for me, it was my first time in real- estate and little did I know at the time, I had one of the best business coaches there to guide me from my first week. It didn’t take long to realize the true value of having a professional that is not within the business helping and encouraging you along the way. Jess has helped me with daily structure, learning to track my daily numbers, through to yearly goals, and keeping me accountable to them. While also providing the platform of tasks and scripts/dialogues to help me achieve what I have set out to do.
Being a part of the team here for nearly 3 years, the changes I see in our teams values and overall attitude is mind-blowing. I cannot recommend the Elite Agency Success System enough, if you want to do well in this industry, do yourself a favour and set yourself up properly. Get the systems in place with Jess, and he will set you up for success!”

Aaron Megaw
Director , Strzlecki Realty, Trafalgar Victoria
“Running our business before meeting Jess Densley was not enjoyable!! We were working insane hours, stress levels were peaking and we only just had enough funds to pay wages and overheads.
Since joining the Elite Agency Success System I feel confident in knowing Jess and his team have my back. Real Estate can be a lonely industry to work in as a lot of agencies are so competitive and won’t share any of their knowledge making it difficult to grow. Jess is so much smarter than that. He introduced me to other agents experiencing their own difficulties so we could all communicate and share from each other. He then analysed our business and showed us ways to make some “now money” and take some pressure off so we could concentrate and plan on implementing some systems into our business. In 4 short months under Jess’s guidance i have surpassed our closest competitors and have become the leading sales agent in our area!!
I’m so excited about the future as we have only skimmed the surface and have already being seeing great results. Ultimately, it’s up to us as an agency to “do the tasks” however Jess is working with us to build a Rock-Solid agency with minimal leakage that will not only survive but “thrive” in any market conditions. “

Dan Schubert
Director – Property Solutions, JKL Property Group
“After almost 12 months of procrastination, I would have to say that investing in Jess as a coach, coupled with the proven systems and processes that he offers as part of his program, would have to be one of the best investments I have made in my professional career. Not only for me as an individual, but for our business and our team. One thing that Jess makes very clear from the beginning is that he doesn’t offer a get rich quick ‘magic pill’ but instead, a suite of simple to implement systems that, if managed correctly, will provide you with predictability, control and capacity to scale in all areas of your business. My message to anyone thinking to join Jess’s program is to not to be like me and waste 12 months procrastinating, but instead use that time to work with Jess and his team to gain control and scale your business. For our team and business, the value returns have far outweighed the investment. “