The Elite Agency Upgrade Program
The 8 steps you need to take to get back control of your business

READING Why the new shiny idea never works…

Quick 3 questions for you today….

1. Do you know your leadership style?

2. Do you know if you are a leader or a manager?

3. Are you working on or in your real estate business?

Asking yourself these three questions regularly is what the great leaders do.

There is distinct differences in being a manager and being a leader

They are both different roles and totally different phases. If you want to move from being a manager to a leader, it’s important to understand the key traits and phase’s you need to move through.

Running a successful real estate business with a team can be a challenge right?

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity but to elicit the greatness that is already there.

One of the big mistakes we see from under performing real estate businesses is down to leadership style and using manager traits when trying to lead.

Without leadership drive your culture will fall flat and possibility deflated.

Today I want to give you a really simple test we use to asses leadership types with our clients.

Asking yourself these questions begins to give you an honesty assessment of where you are at right now;

Your are a manager when you

1. Use KPI’s to manage performance

2. All the talk is about KPI’s

You lead when you

1. You improve performance through innovation, ideas, brainstorming and exploring

2. You catch people doing the right thing and tell them so

Which one are you?

Jess Densley

Real Estate Success Coach

PS > Whenever you’re ready … here are 3 ways we can help you as a business owner or leader scale in 2018.

1. Grab a FREE copy of our ebook – 7 biggest leakages in your real estate business (2018 Version) – Click here

2. Join the ‘Influential Real Estate Leaders’ Closed Facebook group

Brainstorm with over 1200 hundred other Real Estate Leaders who are scaling their business too – Get FREE access: Click here

3. Join our next case study program

If you’d like to work with me on your systems, improving leakages and scaling your plans.., Just reply to this message and put “Case Study” in the subject line and I’ll send you all the details. Be quick, as we can only work with a limited number of people to maximise results.

The 15 minute Brainstorm Call
Book your free minute brainstorm call with Jess to move you from stuck to unsuck
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Jess really cares about your business and wants you to succeed.

– Gail Richards


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We have recorded 20% increase in our sales.

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