The Power of Effective Stock Control
I want to talk to you today about a client of ours who has transformed his business in 2019 by using effective stock control systems and what can be learnt as we move through the Covid cycle. Aaron Megaw from Strzelecki Realty, Trafalgar in Victoria came to us in Jan...
Pre-Framing Your Referral Process
Many real estate businesses make a critical mistake when it comes to referrals. They just wait and hope that they’ll get them. Think about how you get referrals in your own business, assuming you get them at all. They’re usually unexpected because you haven’t asked...
The Clients For Life System™
Why listings are low inside your business now… Jess Densley Process & Structure Coach For Real Estate Professionals PLUS… Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your real estate business in 2020: Grab a copy of our new...